Discourse analysis of the nationalist elements in the Felipe Cazals’ movies Chicogrande (2010) and Ciudadano Buelna (2013)





Discourse analysis, nationalism, Mexican revolution, Mexican cinema, Felipe Cazals


Mexican cinema has served as a propagandistic tool since its beginnings, above all promoting nationalist discourse in films of the mexican revolution seeking to emphasize a historical moment of heroes and defenders of the homeland. The main objective of this research is to analyze the nationalist elements found in the cinematographic texts of Chicogrande and Ciudadano Buelna, to identify the way in which nationalist discourse is used. The method of film analysis proposed by Aumont and Marie (1990) was therefore carried out, which tells us that as has been seen in recent years the cinema of the Revolution tends to revisionism because everything happens around the conflicto. The history is situated in characters that although they are not the iconic heroes are close to them and a clear example of the nationalist discourse.


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How to Cite

Frías, L. G. (2021). Discourse analysis of the nationalist elements in the Felipe Cazals’ movies Chicogrande (2010) and Ciudadano Buelna (2013) . Revista De Comunicación Política, 3(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.29105/rcp3-5